Our esteemed customer, Gold Line Resources Ltd, published an account of the magnetic survey performed by Radai in Oijärvi:
“Vancouver, BC, Canada – May 26, 2022 – Gold Line Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: GLDL) (“Gold Line” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has completed Phase 1 (of 2) of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) magnetic survey over its 100% owned ~17,600 Hectare Oijärvi Greenstone Belt Project in northern Finland conducted by Radai Oy based in Oulu Finland. The aim of the survey is to collect data in order to map underlying geology and structural architecture over the entire greenstone belt and determine priority target areas for its 2022 exploration programs and beyond.
Highlights – UAV Magnetic Survey of Oijärvi Greenstone Belt
- Adopted because it is faster, more cost-efficient, environmentally friendly, and safer than existing survey techniques.
- Provides dense high-quality data at tight line spacing and low flight elevation
- Completion of 2100 line km phase 1 (of 2) over northern and western portion of Oijärvi belt
Gold Line commissioned Radai Oy, an industry leader in UAV magnetic surveys, to conduct the survey. The Phase 1 survey consisted of 2100 line km over the northern and western portions of the Oijärvi greenstone belt (See Figure 1). The central portion of the belt will be flown in early fall in cooperation with local indigenous groups reindeer calving schedules.”
Read more: https://www.goldlineresources.com/news/gold-line-announces-completion-of-the-phase-1-uav-magnetic-survey-over-its-100-owned-oijrvi-gold-project-in-finland-